I decided today was a good day for laps in Central Park.
As I exited my apartment I heard a metallic rattle come from my rear wheel when I set the bike down.
Apparently the loud twang I heard while riding yesterday was a spoke shearing where it meets the hub (I had thought it may have been a cable breaking, and stopped to check my bike, but did not find the source of the sound when it happened). I unscrewed the spoke from it's nipple and rode to my LBS for a replacement, and an earful about custom built wheels (I was told I likely did not need custom wheels).
20 minutes later, I'm on the road.
Still cool today (mid to high 30's), and overcast. Triboro bridge, 125th street bridge, East River Esplanade to 89th street, and then cut across town to Central Park. I used the 59th street bridge for my return trip, exiting the park near Columbus Circle. Some highlights include, following a fixed gear rider down the Museum Mile. Kids staging a photo in an unsafe location (followed by a slow climb). Asian girl likes to shoot pictures on the go. And my descent down the 59th street bridge back into the borough of Queens.
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