Monday, June 4, 2012

Ride to Montauk Packet arrives and free pass for The Farm Ride

Last week my Ride to Montauk packet arrived containing a flyer and my rider number, wristbands, and my t-Shirt and socks. The Ride to Montauk will be my first full century ride (actually 108 miles this year). I hope for no rain, and temperatures no warmer than the 70's, but I'm prepared mentally and physically in the event of rain or high temperatures. I feel confident that I can complete a mostly flat 108 mile route in almost any conditions, and I'm excited to give it a go.

Flyer, T-shirt, Socks and wristbands for the Ride to Montauk 2012

Earlier today I went for a damp utilitarian ride in the drizzle to pick up some paper products and look for a few other odds and ends. When I was making my return trip home I noticed my tire seemed low, and when I viewed my tread I thought I saw a crack forming. I went to my LBS (Tony's Bicycles) and asked them to look over the tire, tube and rim. After an inspection I was told that my valve may have been loose but that neither my tube nor the tire had gone bad. Happy with the good news I gave the mechanic a small tip and started talking with another employee Dino, about the upcoming Ride To Montauk. Once on the subject he offered me a pass to the next ride hosted by the same organization, The Farm Ride. I happily accepted the pass and thanked them for their help and generosity once more.

Free Pass for The Farm Ride

Arriving home, I read more about the The Farm Ride, and found to my delight that it is a whole weekend long event. The pass pays my way for all of the festivities and quite a bit of food, but no overnight accommodations are included. The least expensive private option was a dorm room on Amherst campus which cost me 90$ for 2 nights. This ride sounds like a really interesting all around experience, and a great opportunity to meet other cyclists. I knew building a loyal and positive relationship with my LBS could be rewarding, but Tony's has really gone above and beyond for me first and foremost with their repairs and gear, and secondly in offering me these great ride passes. Support your local bike shop!

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